
== Tidak ada yang membuat dirimu sukses sebelum kesuksesan itu berada dalam dirimu (Ralph Marshton) == Anda akan melewati kegagalan di tengah perjalanan Anda menuju kesuksesan ( Mickey Roney) == Jika kamu mengubah keyakinanmu lebih dulu, maka mengubah tindakanmu bukanlah hal yang sulit(Peter) == Hanya dibutuhkan 1 orang untuk mengubah hidup anda yaitu ANDA SENDIRI

Minggu, 06 Januari 2013

Sketch First ^__^


I’m a woman,, I was born with a simple family life twenty one years old., but i’m proud to have a caring family to me. You want know much about me so you can know me directly, because to me the virtual world will respond differently to the real world...

there are 5 major character from myself:
- optimistic
- sloppy
- diligent
- adventurous
- forgetful

i have the type of friends that I like:
- honest
- bold
joking too cheerful
- connect
- consistent


I started have a  blog since 10 years a go,  when it became clear that email is no longer a useful vehicle for distributing information. The blog started with the kind of information I thought others in the industry would find useful – news items, reviews of new publications and events.

OKK,, just it from ME ,,, i dont say too much ^--^

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